15 November 2010

The Giller Plan


Responding to the high demand of Johanna Skibsrud’s The Sentimentalists, Gaspereau Press licenses Canadian trade paperback rights to Douglas & McIntyre, an imprint of D&M Publishers, who plan to ship stock by November 19

November 14, 2010 – VANCOUVER, CANADA -- Before Scott McIntyre’s head hit the pillow Tuesday night following the Giller gala, he sent a long email to his friend and colleague Andrew Steeves, co-publisher of Gaspereau Press, reporting on the extraordinary evening. McIntyre and Steeves immediately hatched a plan to make Johanna Skibsrud’s debut novel widely available to the Canadian book trade, while still honouring Gaspereau’s craft.

Andrew Steeves commented:

“It was important to us that no copy of the book would say 'Gaspereau Press' on the spine unless it came directly from our own hands; that’s simply the way we work. But when Johanna won the prize it was clear that our method of printing and publishing books wouldn’t meet the demand. It was critical to find a partner who shared our values. Douglas & McIntyre was the obvious choice.

“We’re delighted to be working with Douglas & McIntyre and Friesens to produce a new edition of The Sentimentalists for the wider marketplace. This alliance will ensure that our author’s accomplishment will be honoured, and that readers across the country will have ready access to well-made copies of the book.”

The first 30,000 copies of the Douglas & McIntyre edition of The Sentimentalists (ISBN 978-1-55365-895-5, $19.95, paperback), printed on high quality FSC eco-paper, will be shipped from the bindery on November 19, less than 10 days after the Giller was awarded. Paper is on hand for an immediate reprint of 20,000 copies. The e-book is already a bestseller on Kobo and Douglas & McIntyre will make it available through other e-book retailers, including the Apple iBookstore, Amazon Kindle, Sony eBook store, eBooks.com and Barnes & Noble’s NOOK Store. Gaspereau Press will continue to issue copies of its original edition ($27.95, 978-1-55447-078-5, sewn paperback with letterpress-printed jacket), giving readers a choice of two quality editions of the book.

McIntyre added:

“I have huge respect for Andrew and Gary’s dedication to their craft. This includes putting their author first. With our sales, marketing and distribution system onside, an exceptional novel will quickly reach the wide audience it deserves.

“Three proudly independent Canadian entities – Gaspereau Press in Nova Scotia; Douglas & McIntyre in Vancouver and Toronto; and Friesens in Manitoba – have combined forces to celebrate a remarkable writer, a wise and beautiful novel, and the gift Jack Rabinovich gave Canada when he launched the Giller Prize and dared us all to elevate our game.”


Unknown said...

Well done, guys. My hat is off to all involved for this solution. A wise and beautiful solution.

Unknown said...

Whole-heartedly agree. Meanwhile, I look forward to holding and reading my copy from Gaspereau Press.

Anonymous said...

Also means that the Giller-folk won't have an excuse to no longer consider books from indie printers. Well worjed Gapsereau.

Nico said...

Excellent! I'm looking forward to reading it.

While I do hope that the copy I purchase is the lovely Gaspereau edition, I'll take what I can get.

Wendy Priesnitz said...

Thank you, on behalf of small independent publishers and writers! Excellent compromise.

Anonymous said...

Fuck the Gasperau douchebags that for many days said there will be no books produced in a mass-market way and now we find out they had been lying all this time. What a bunch of fucking assholes. Fuck!

Amelia said...

Dear anonymous, please take your hateful ranting elsewhere.

Kat said...

Wow Anonymous - bitter much? You go ahead and buy your crappy paperbacks from Costco while the rest of us wait for a beautiful hand-crafted book from Gaspereau. It will be worth it.

Unknown said...

Yes, Anonymous, go away.

But for many others: remember, not everyone feels they can afford a deluxe $27.00 book. for those who can and will treasure it, that's wonderful, but please acknowledge that others should be entitled to read the book without having to wait months on end for a library copy.

Gary said...

Appreciate your blog poost